SAGE Publishing is an academic publisher of books, journals, and a growing suite of library products and services. A fundamental belief drives them that social and behavioral science has the power to improve society. SAGE's mission is to: "(Build) bridges to knowledge —supporting the development of ideas through the research process to scholarship that is certified, taught, and applied."

Client Snapshot:

  • 1,000+ employees
  • Principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC, and Melbourne
  • Annually publish 1,000+ journals, 600 new books, and library products and services that include archives, data, case studies, and video
  • Core dedication to fairness, respect, supporting diverse populations, and ensuring accessibility of published resources

Client Challenges

As a part of the global academic community since 1965, SAGE is used to in-depth articles presented in an "academic style". They came to Blue Ocean Brain for DEI training for their staff that would inspire meaningful conversations about DEI and foster a diverse culture and an equitable and inclusive workplace. 

SAGE's top priority was accessing digestible resources that would draw in employees' curiosity and quickly deliver engaging learning moments, avoiding 30-page articles or hour-long video teaching methods.

How Blue Ocean Brain solves the client's challenges:

Blue Ocean Brain Features

How We Deliver on Client Needs


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

Blue Ocean Brain (BOB) provides expert-developed diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) learning through content that guides employees to take positive, lasting action. BOB's team helps clients select and deliver the content most needed, with access to a Netflix-style library of over 1,500 lessons.

Fresh lessons are published daily and include:

  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Knowledge checks
  • And actionable takeaways


Engagement Tactics

Staff feel connected and engaged through push notifications, leaderboards, and games. SAGE in particular relies on consistent email pushes, but learning content can also be automatically deployed through other daily channels workers use, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and LMS solutions.


Personal & Professional Development 

Employees can access ongoing DEI learning reflecting today's workplace challenges that inspires meaningful conversations and builds awareness and action around topics such as: 

  • Allyship and Empathy
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Unconscious Bias & Bias Mitigation
  • Global & Cultural Competence

Staff can also access self-directed soft skills microlearning through the Blue Ocean Brain on-demand library for in-demand topics such as:

  • Mental Health & Well-being 
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Growth Mindset
  • Brain Health & Performance
  • Communication 

Results with Blue Ocean Brain

SAGE considers Blue Ocean Brain an important piece of their learning ecosystem, and in 2022 invited their Blue Ocean Brain team to share the BOB training philosophy with the HR Community of Practice Consortium. SAGE spoke highly of their results at that event and praised Blue Ocean Brain's extensive training library, which goes beyond DEI learning content to holistically support their people and draw in hard-to-reach or reluctant learners. SAGE says their employees have also responded very well to Blue Ocean Brain's email pushes, which helps drive engagement with their lessons. 

Post-launch results include:

  • An 84% engagement rate  
  • 11, 724 lessons completed  
  • 42,000 articles viewed

Roberta Isaeff, SAGE's VP of Human Resources and Facilities, comments:

"Blue Ocean Brain encourages our staff to participate in crucial DEI learning with a regular cadence. The feedback and flow-on effect from users and managers has been extremely positive"

We believe companies can achieve amazing success when their people have opportunities to learn and grow daily. That's why we are dedicated to designing and delivering the best possible microlearning experiences—every single day.

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