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Wondering how much employee disengagement is costing your organization?

According to Gallup, 18% of today's employees are actively disengaged, resulting in significant costs for companies from lost productivity, increased turnover, and decreased customer satisfaction. Estimates put the overall organizational costs at 34% of the total disengaged population's annual salary. This results not only in significant costs but significant risk for companies looking to power their people and culture initiatives. Re-engaging even a modest number of employees can have a measurable impact on the bottom line.

The interactive tool below can help you see for yourself how much your company is losing to disengagement and the ROI of re-engaging your people through learning initiatives. Check it out!


So, how can companies combat disengagement?

According to Gallup, three of the top reasons for disengagement are lack of clarity, connections, and opportunities. Blue Ocean Brain helps solve these challenges by developing and delivering brand-new content every day that directly supports individual, team, and organizational success.



Blue Ocean Brain delivers personalized and engaging microlearning experiences designed the way our brains and schedules work best.

Lengthy, periodic training doesn't support engagement or retention. Our approach is different and offers bite-sized, high-impact learning moments that help employees understand and build the skills they need to succeed.

Our experts can help you curate learning that directly aligns with your HR, leadership development, and upskilling goals.


Our content is highly interactive, positive, and designed to strengthen employee connection to the mission, vision, and values of an organization.

Your culture initiatives can come to life through our award-winning microlessons that are designed to feel approachable, inspirational, and actionable.

And by delivering ongoing, relevant learning, your people feel invested in by their leadership and are more likely to be engaged in their work and on their teams.


Blue Ocean Brain specializes in empowering employees to learn and grow, every day.
Our learning pathways help guide learners on a journey of awareness to action around the modern workplace skills that build healthy teams and help individuals grow in their careers.
We also provide people leaders with ongoing tools such as job aids and leadership briefs to help them engage their employees, drive skill-building, fuel inclusion, and improve retention.
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Blue Ocean Brain clients see a median engagement rate of 71% with our microlearning content.

When employees engage with Blue Ocean Brain, they gain valuable workplace skills, feel connected to the company’s mission and values, and indicate 86% more confidence in their decision-making. Our content is designed to empower your people to invest in their growth, their organization, and each other.

Want to see how your company can boost your ROI on L&D?
Schedule a consultation with one of our microlearning experts for a personalized ROI calculator.

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